Public Private Partnership in Sunflower Seed Production

Regions Covered:
Breeding in Morogoro, commercial production in Morogoro, Mbeya, Songwe and Tabora | Distribution across Tanzania
Target Beneficiaries:
600 smallholder farmers (SHFs) (60% women, and 30% youth) and 2 Local seed companies
Market Facilitator:
Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) - Ilonga Centre
Project Partners:
Private Sector seed companies Highlands Seeds Growers Ltd of Mbeya and Lima Africa of Tabora
Project Goal:
To strategically enhance the production of early-generation seeds and certified seeds for availability, accessibility and affordability of sunflower-improved seed varieties among smallholder farmers for increased productivity, production and sustainability of the sunflower value chain.

Agenda: Enhancing national capability in breeding, commercialisation and distribution of improved Sunflower seeds 

Systemic Constraint:

Low availability, accessibility, and affordability of improved seed. 


  1. Strengthen the contribution of local seed companies in seed multiplication and distribution.
  2. Support smallholder farmers (youth and women) to produce and distribute certified seeds.
  3. Support the establishment of block farms for the production of sunflower seeds.
  4. Increase production and availability of different classes of sunflower seeds in the country.
  5. Produce Early Generation Seeds (EGS) and distribute them to partner companies for commercialization

Key Activities: 

  • TARI Ilonga to produce and multiply Early Generation Seeds (EGS) of improved varieties TARI- ILO-2019, TARI-NAL-2019.
  • TARI Ilonga to promote sunflower technologies through different dissemination pathways i.e through field days, promotion using TV programs, radio, manual material development, training materials, journal publications and leaflets.
  • Seed companies to support the establishment of block farms for sunflower seed production through contractual arrangements with farmers (youth and women) owning 20-100 acres.
  • Seed companies to conduct training of farmers including youth and women through farmer field days on appropriate and attractive sunflower seed production technologies. 

Expected Changes:

  1. Enhanced access to EGS by seed companies.
  2. Information on sunflower technologies is available to seed stakeholders.
  3. Capacity of the seed companies to produce certified seeds enhanced.
  4. Enhanced access to certified seeds by smallholder farmers.
  5. Enhanced Market opportunities for certified seeds.
  6. Women and youths groups adopt GAPs for seed production.