Our shared values shape how we serve people and communities

Through our commitment to these values, we strive to build a sustainable future for all. Join us in enforcing the below shared values and create more value that benefits everyone.


Empathy towards others

We invest our resources to understand the local contexts, concerns and future aspirations of our people, our partners and target beneficiaries.

Playing a catalytic role

In everything we do, our aim to stimulate the capacity and incentives of market actors to make market systems work better for the productive poor.

Creating Innovative Solutions

We vigorously and flexibly work with market actors in market systems critical for the poor to find solutions that provide sustained benefits for them.

Investing in our people and productive poor

We capitalize and give opportunities to our people to learn and develop; and we invest in generating opportunities for improving the livelihood of productive poor.

modify or copy the materials;
use the materials for any commercial purpose;
transfer the materials to another person or materials;
attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software;
remove any copyright or other proprietary notations;
transfer the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials.
We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
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