Inclusive Business in the Beans Value Chain

Regions Covered:
In regions of Songwe (Mbozi, Momba, and Songwe districts) and Rukwa (Kalambo, Nkasi, Sumbawanga DC, and Sumbawanga MC).
Target Beneficiaries:
12,000 Smallholder farmers (4,000 Women, Youth 3,000 – including 1,200 Female youth)
Market Facilitator:
Implementing Partners:
IKUWO General Enterprises Co. Ltd, TAPBDS, TMA, TARI Uyole, TOSCI, AMCOS, Cooperatives Office, Agri Grow Tanzania Ltd, Ndingala Radio FM, TCCIA-Rukwa, QDS producers
Project Goal:
Strengthening Inclusive Business in the Common Beans Value Chain in Rukwa and Songwe regions

 Systemic Constraint: 

  1. Limited availability and accessibility of improved Common bean varieties
  2. Low production and productivity of common bean
  3. Lack of strong market linkages between buyers and farmers.
  4. Farmers fetch low prices for common bean grains since they do not diversify bean grains into valuable products.


  1. Profile 12,000 smallholder farmers (4,000 Women, Youth 3,000 including 1,200 [40%] Female Youth) and 40 qualified declared seeds (QDS) producers’ mobilization in Rukwa and Songwe regions.
  2. QDS production by 40 producers on 80 acres producing 56MT.
  3. Develop an effective supply chain for QDS and certified seeds.
  4. Promote the use of improved common bean seeds and Climate-smart technologies. 

Key Activities: 

  1. Recruitment: Mobilization and registration of 12,000 SHFS (awareness creation of the project). Also Identify 40 SHFs to produce QDS.
  2. Seeds: Procuring foundation seeds (2,500Kg) for 40 QDS producers’ production.
  3. Monitoring: Conduct facilitation and coordination visits: track identification and registration of SHFs, and distribution of foundation seeds to QDS producers. Also, conduct facilitation and coordination visits: How efficiently RAS was delivered to SHFs.
  4. Contractual agreements: Engaging and contracting common beans QDS producers and certified seed producers.
  5. Quality control: Coordinating, mapping and completing all compliance processes for seeds production in 40 plots. Also conduct facilitation and coordination visits: Monitor production, certification and packing of QDS.
  6. Post-harvest handling: Support harvesting, cleaning and certification processes of farmers’ produce.
  7. Buyer signs a supply contract with SHFs (producer groups and AMCOS) for common beans prior. the season.
  8. Business linkages: Forging collaboration agreements with climate-smart inputs, services and technology providers and SHFs
  9. Specialized agri services: Facilitating soil sampling service providers to collect 400 soil samples from selected SHFs and provide tailored fertilizer advice to 3,000 (33% women, 25% Youth (40% female youth) SHFs.
  10. Awareness: Mobilize and sensitize 12,000 farmers and their farmer business organizations to enter a relationship with the buyer (linked to output 1) during the buyback and to ensure farmers do not side sale.
  11. Business knowledge promotion: Build the capacity of SHF on quality grain and how to respond according to the market demands, establish 40 formal contracts with buyers during the marketing/buyback period.
  12. Seeds: Train 500 women and youth in bean seeds production, value addition of bean grain, and marketing in higher value output markets.